Bashford-Adams-Milne integration

Suppose that you have a table or array of the values of a function
Rendered by
One can perform a linear interpolation\ to obtain y(x_i+\alpha) for
\alpha<x_{i+1}-x_i by assuming that the curve is well approximated by a straight line between adjacent points listed in the table

    \[y(x_i+\alpha)\approx y(x_i)+{y(x_{i+1}) -y(x_i)\over x_{i+1}-x_i}\, \alpha\]

If the points x_0, x_1, x_2,\cdots are evenly spaced with x_{i+1}-x_i=\delta, the Lagrange interpolation can provide better accuracy. Notice that

    \[y(x+\delta)=y(x)+\delta y'(x)+{1\over 2!} \delta^2 y''(x)+\cdots=e^{\delta {d\over dx}} y(x)=E \, y(x)\]

in which E is the shift operator

    \[E \, y(x)=y(x+\delta)\]


(1)   \begin{eqnarray*} y(x+\alpha\delta)&=&y(x)+\alpha\delta \, y'(x)+{1\over 2!} (\alpha\delta)^2 \, y''(x)+\cdots\nonumber\\ &=&e^{\alpha\delta {d\over dx}} y(x)=E^\alpha \, y(x)\end{eqnarray*}

which we can expand as

(2)   \begin{eqnarray*} y(x+\alpha\delta)&=&E^\alpha y(x)=\Big(1+(E-1)\Big)^\alpha y(x)\nonumber\\ &=&y(x)+\alpha(E-1) y(x)+{\alpha(\alpha-1)\over 2!} (E-1)^2 y(x)+{\alpha(\alpha-1)(\alpha-2)\over 3!} (E-1)^3 y(x)+\cdots \end{eqnarray*}

Collect terms together and use the fact that

    \[E^n y(x_0)=y(x_0+n\delta)=y(x_n)=y_n\]


(3)   \begin{eqnarray*}y(x_0+\alpha\delta)&=&y(x_0)+\alpha\Big(Ey(x_0)-y(x_0)\Big)+{\alpha(\alpha-1)\over 2}\Big(E^2y(x_0)-2Ey(x_0)+y(x_0)\Big)\nonumber\\ &+&{\alpha(\alpha-1)(\alpha-2)\over 6}\Big(E^3y(x_0)-3E^2y(x_0)+3Ey(x_0)-y(x_0)\Big)+\cdots\nonumber\\ &=&y(x_0)+\alpha\Big(y(x_1)-y(x_0)\Big)+{\alpha(\alpha-1)\over 2}\Big(y(x_2)-2y(x_1)+y(x_0)\Big)\nonumber\\ &+&{\alpha(\alpha-1)(\alpha-2)\over 6}\Big(y(x_3)-3y(x_2)+3y(x_1)-y(x_0)\Big)+\cdots\nonumber\\ &=& -{(\alpha-1)(\alpha-2)(\alpha-3)\over 6} y_0 +{\alpha(\alpha-2)(\alpha-3)\over 2} y_1 \nonumber\\ &-&  {\alpha(\alpha-1)(\alpha-3)\over 2} y_2+{\alpha(\alpha-1)(\alpha-2)\over 6} y_3+\cdots\end{eqnarray*}

and so on, here correct to third order differences. Notice that if \alpha=n, for 0\le n\le 3, we simply obtain y(x_0+n\delta)=y(x_n). One would use this to get y(x_0+\alpha\delta) for 0<\alpha <1 in practice, given a set of y-values for regularly-spaced x-values, giving a significant improvement over linear interpolation. It can be used to develop predict-correct numerical integration algorithms (which is why we are interested in it). For example consider a function y(x) and its derivative y'(x), and apply this to the case \alpha=-1 and y'(x_1) instead of y(x_0), we obtain

    \[y'(x_0)=4 y'(x_1)-6 y'(x_2) +4 y'(x_3) -y'(x_4)\]

Now consider numerically integrating y'(x) from x_0 to x_4=x_0+4\delta by Simpson’s rule

    \[\int_{x_0}^{x_4} y'(x) dx=y(x_4)-y(x_0)={\delta\over 3}\Big( y'(x_0)+4 y'(x_1)+2 y'(x_2)+4 y'(x_3) + y'(x_4)\Big)\]

and into this insert the previous interpolation formula to eliminate y'(x_4) on the right side to obtain the interpolation

    \[y_4=y_0 +{8\delta \over 3}\Big( y'_1 -{1\over 2} y'_2 +y'_3\Big)\]

Bashford-Adams-Milne integration is a predict-correct method based on the interpolation formula that we just derived. Consider a differential\equation


and make a guess solution y_g(x) that satisfies the boundary conditions (say y(0)=0) and build up a table from the guess solution. From the derivatives of the guess solution make the predictions

    \[y_{n}=y_{n-4} +{8\delta \over 3}\Big( y'_{n-3} -{1\over 2} y'_{n-2} +y'_{n-1}\Big), \quad n\ge 4\]

then compute from these new values of the derivatives from

    \[y'_n =F(y_n, x_n)\]

and then correct the prediction using Simpson’s rule

    \[y_{n}=y_{n-2}+{\delta\over 3}\Big( y'_{n-2}+4 y'_{n-1}+y'_{n}\Big), \quad n\ge 2\]

We simply iterate the procedure until desired accuracy is achieved. This method does not suffer from the accumulated errors of Euler. Here is an example in REDUCE for the equation

    \[y'={dy\over dx}=F(x,y)=1+y^2, \qquad y(0)=0\]

on rounded;
operator x,y,yp;
for n:=0:100 do x(n):=n*delta;
% remember y'=!F
% First guess
for n:=1:100 do y(n):=x(n);
for n:=0:100 do yp(n):=1.0;
% Predictor
% Iterate predict/correct cycle
for m:=0:10 do <<
for n:=4:100 do y(n):=y(n-4)+(8.0*delta/3.0)*(yp(n-3)-0.5*yp(n-2)+yp(n-1));
% Recompute y'
for n:=0:100 do yp(n):=sub(!Y=y(n), !F);
% Correct (note we DON't mess with y(0))
for n:=2:100 do y(n):=y(n-2)+(delta/3.0)*(yp(n-2)+4.0*yp(n-1)+yp(n)) >>;
% compare to exact solution
for n:=0:100 do write y(n), "   ", tan(x(n));

Note that ten cycles gives excellent accuracy (y(100 \, \delta)=1.5574072 versus \tan(100\, \delta)=1.5574077).

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