Quantum spin-chains-III. Density Matrix Renormalization Group

The most powerful ideas that we will study in Physics 715 are related to the scaling hypothesis, which provides the renormalization group methods (real space, momentum space, and DMRG). These methods allow us to study the physics of very large interacting systems in one energy or scale regime, as an effective “field” theory.
The density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) is a numerical variational technique devised to obtain the low-energy physics of quantum many-body systems with high accuracy. It is currently a dominant computational tool in condensed matter physics.
“Its main advantages are the ability to treat unusually large systems at high precision at or very close to zero temperature …”, so we will use it to establish the numerical value of the ground state energy in the quantum spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain that we have examined in two previous posts.
All renormalization group methods involve a step called decimation, in which a number of degrees of freedom are averaged over in order to create an effective Hamiltonian system for the remaining part of the system.

There are two versions, let’s look at the “infinite system version”, which consists of a series of steps that are cycled through.

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\bullet In the initialization stage two blocks S,E of the system, both of size \ell (meaning \ell sites) both of which are small enough to be exactly solved, are introduced. The basis states of each block form a tensor space of size d^\ell, d=2 for spin-1/2 spanned by |S\rangle=\{|s_1\rangle\otimes |s_2\rangle\otimes\cdots\otimes|s_\ell\rangle\} and similarly for |E\rangle.

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\bullet A spin is added to each block, creating systems S\bullet and \bullet E with bases \{|S\rangle\otimes|s\rangle\} and \{|s'\rangle\otimes |E\rangle\} respectively.

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\bullet A superblock S\bullet\bullet E of size 2\ell+2 is formed, with Hamiltonian
H_{S\bullet\bullet E}. The ground state |\psi\rangle of this Hamiltonian is found by sparse-matrix methods.
\bullet If we iterate this process, replacing each block with the superblock and repeating the process, the size of the basis of the superblock Hamiltonian grows exponentially.
The idea of RG methods is to decimate or reduce the size of the basis judiciously after each iteration so that the basis does not grow at all, even as the chain increases in length with each iteration. In DMRG this is done as follows. Note that the ground state |\psi\rangle of the superblock is writable as entangled tensor products of “S” and “E” vectors

    \[|\psi\rangle=\sum_{|s'\rangle\in S\bullet}\sum_{|e'\in \bullet E}\psi_{s',e'}|s'\rangle\otimes|e'\rangle\]

\bullet Construct the density matrix \rho=|\psi\rangle\langle\psi| (a d^{\ell+1}\times d^{\ell+1} matrix) from the ground state. Construct the reduced density matrix \rho_{S\bullet} by tracing out the states of \bullet E

    \[\rho_{S\bullet}=Tr_{\bullet E}|\psi\rangle\langle\psi|=\sum_{|s'\rangle\in S\bullet}\sum_{|s"\rangle\in S\bullet} \rho_{s',s"}|s'\rangle\langle s"|\]

\bullet Find the basis |i\rangle of S\bullet in which this is diagonal

    \[\rho_{S\bullet}=\sum_i w_i|i\rangle\langle i|\]

In julia this is simple: use the built-in eigensolver to find he eigenvalues w (a diagonal matrix) and eigenvectors V of \rho_{S\bullet}.

Keep in mind that the size of the basis of S\bullet is d^{\ell+1} and of S the basis |S\rangle has size d^\ell. Select d^\ell of the |i\rangle vectors with the largest weights w_i, (in julia just keep the last d^\ell columns of V corresponding to the d^\ell largest eigenvalues w because eigvals/eigvecs sorts from smallest to largest) and call it the matrix T, which is d^{\ell+1}\times d^\ell, consisting of the d^\ell column vectors of the largest weight |i\rangle's. If w_1<w_2<w_3\cdots then T=[|1\rangle,|2\rangle, \cdots, |d^\ell\rangle].

You will eventually see that this represents the states maximally entangled with the ground state.
\bullet The Hamiltonian H_{S\bullet} for S\bullet is d^{\ell+1}\times d^{\ell+1}. Create a new Hamiltonian H_{S'}=T^\dagger\cdot H_{S\bullet}\cdot T which is d^\ell\times d^\ell, the same size as H_S. This becomes the block Hamiltonian for the next step.

\bullet You need to transform the spin operators for the end-spins too, \bm{s}_{S',end}=T^\dagger\cdot \bm{s}_{S\bullet,end}\cdot T in order to build the Hamiltonian for the next iteration from these new blocks

    \[H_{superblock,new}=H_{S'}+J\bm{s}_{S',end}\cdot\bm{s}+J\bm{s}\cdot\bm{s}'+J\bm{s}'\cdot \bm{s}_{end,E'}+H_{E'}\]

and repeat the process of finding the (new) ground state |\psi\rangle.

We will try to use initial “S,E” systems consisting of single spins, so a superblock will have four spins and each iteration will “add” two. This is naive since it underestimates how many states are well-entangled with the ground state in long chains. The larger the state-chains are, the better. But we still get very encouraging results.
So start out with each block (both S,E) having {\bf one} spin, so that initially H_S=0 and H_E=0 (both are 2\times 2 zero matrices). The superblock Hamiltonian is then (tensor products are associative)

    \[H_{superblock}=J\Big(P\otimes I\otimes I+I\otimes P\otimes I+I\times I\otimes P\Big), \quad I=\left(\begin{array}{cc} 1&0\\ 0&1\end{array}\right)\]

The reduced density matrix \rho_{S\bullet}=Tr_{\bullet E}|\psi\rangle\langle\psi| is then a 4\times 4 in the basis for the spin s_1 of S and the extra spin s_2. The T matrix made from the two largest weight eignvalues of \rho_{S\bullet} is 4\times 2. We have explicitly then (with \bm{s_2}=(s_x,s_y,s_z))

    \[H_{S'}=T^\dagger\cdot(H_{S}\otimes I+P)\cdot T, \quad \bm{s}_{S',end}=T^\dagger\cdot(I\otimes \bm{s})\cdot T\]

    \[ \bm{s}_{end,E'}=T^\dagger\cdot(\bm{s}\otimes I)\cdot T, \quad H_{E'}=T^\dagger\cdot(I\otimes H_{E}+P)\cdot T\]

all of which are 2\times 2 matrices.
The code in julia is below, with lots of documentation strings, you should try to rewrite it so that the start-sytems can be two or three spin chains.

using LinearAlgebra,Kronecker,DataFrames, Gaston

sx=[0 1.0;1 0]/2.0;sy=[0 -im;im 0]/2.0;sz=[1.0 0;0 -1]/2.0;
u2=[1.0 0;0 1.0]; u4=u2⊗u2;
# note u2[:,1] and u2[:,2] form a spin basis for single site
#  u4[:,1], ..., u4[:,4] form a spin basis pair of sites
# System spin operators for spin 1,2
# Env spin operators for spin 1,2
# initial Hamiltonians
HS=zeros(4,4); HE=zeros(4,4);
# Superblock Hamiltonian
for cycles in 1:num
# get most negative, the first, they are sorted
# Create reduced |psi0><psi0| for S, E and the transformation matrices
# get largest two eigvalue vectors
rhoS=sum(((u4⊗u4[:,j]')*psi0)⊗((u4⊗u4[:,j]')*psi0)' for j in 1:4);
rhoE=sum(((u4[:,j]'⊗u4)*psi0)⊗((u4[:,j]'⊗u4)*psi0)' for j in 1:4);
# the trans matrices are made from eivs corresp to two
# largest eigs of the rhoS, rhoE 

#Transform operators
# New superblock Hamiltonian
iters=[j for j in 0:num-1]
plot(dat.L,dat.E, Axes(xlabel =:Iterations, ylabel=:E_per_L),legend=:- )

With an initial system size of one spin, it converges on the true ground state energy per spin of -0.4401 (computed by Bethe ansatz) rather slowly, after 3000 cycles reaching -0.43700. Increasing the initial system size to two spins lets E_0/L reach -0.439878 within 150 cycles. What is being computed here is the infinite-chain ground state energy per spin. Email me for a download link for the code.

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